Keyword database
- a body
- a disease concept
- Acquaintance Holtei – Eichendorff
- activities for the development of intercultural competence in kindergarten
- actor-network theory
- Adam Czerniawski
- Adam Michnik
- adaptation
- addressative form
- Adolf Hitler
- Aesop’s fables
- aging
- Ajñeya
- Alfred Döblin
- Alicja de Barcza
- alienation
- analysis
- analysis of contextual meanings
- anarchism
- Andrzej Syroka
- Anna Teichmüller
- annihilation of the body
- Anthropological Linguistics
- antifascist novelist
- antifeminism
- Antony
- Aquinas
- archetypes
- argumentation
- Armin Dross
- Arnold Zweig
- Around the World in 80 Books
- art
- art colony
- artists
- aruḷ
- assertion
- attitude to tradition
- audax
- Audiovisual translation
- August Scholtis
- Auschwitz
- Austria
- Austrian Library series
- Austrian literature
- authoritarianism
- authorship
- autobiographic Motive
- autobiographical memory
- autobiography
- Bachelor’s thesis
- back translation
- backwaters
- baptism
- Barbara Frischmuth
- Barbara Piórkowska Kraboszki
- barometer of influence
- benefits of utopian thinking
- Bible
- Bible translations
- biblical motifs in theatrical plays
- BigBlueButton
- bilingualism
- biography
- Bischofswalde
- Bjørnar Olsen
- blended learning
- boarders
- Boethius
- border territories in literature
- Bourbonnais
- Branicki
- Bronislaw Huberman
- Buddha
- Buddhism
- Buddhist literature
- Caesar
- Calvinist pastor
- campus novel
- Canada
- Cape Arkona
- career, relationship with faith
- Carl Hauptmann
- Caroline Pichler
- Casanova
- case study
- Catholicism
- center
- Central European literature
- certification
- certification of interpreters
- certified translation
- certified translator training
- childhood
- children and youth literature
- children’s and youth literature
- children’s literature under Mao
- Chinese children’s literature
- Chinese Thought
- Chinese Translation
- christianisation
- Chronica Polonorum
- chronicle
- Chronicles
- chunks
- Cicero
- cityscapes
- cognitive‑communicative translation model
- comedy
- common acquaintanceships and friendships
- common descent
- communication
- Communication Functions
- communicational relations
- Communication‑based Translation Theory
- comparative analysis
- comparative law
- comparisons of legal terminology
- compliments
- composer
- compound
- compound word
- computer‑assisted language learning
- connecting element
- conservative publicist
- conservative publicist
- Contact Linguistics
- contemporary Austrian drama
- contemporary novel
- contemporary poetry
- control
- controlling system
- cooperation
- cooperation with publishers
- core curriculum for nursery education
- corpse
- corpus
- corpus linguistics
- correspondence
- Correspondence Eichendorff – Holtei
- „couch elites”
- course management system
- court decision
- court life
- Creol
- crime novel
- critic of totalitarianism
- criticism of football in connection with its commercialization
- Crown Metric
- cultural heritage
- cultural history
- cultural policy
- culture
- Culture
- culture at a health resort
- culture of memory
- cultureme
- customs
- cycles
- Czesław Miłosz
- daily Italian newspapers
- daily routine
- Danish compound nouns
- Danish equivalents
- Dante Alighieri
- Dantism
- Dantology
- Das Recht der Frauen auf Erwerb
- Das spanische Buch
- David Damrosch
- death
- dedication letter
- defilement
- democratic opposition
- Descartes
- descent into hell
- descriptive evaluation
- despotism
- detente
- Diagonal translation
- diary
- Dictionary of the Polish language of the 16th century
- didactics
- Die Fackel
- ‘Die Fackel’
- „Die Gäste“
- Differentia
- diffusion
- digitalization
- direct speech
- dissidents
- distance education
- distance learning at university
- distinctness
- doctor ratings portals
- Dorothea Prall
- duel
- early work
- earth
- East German literature in Poland
- eclectism
- ecopoetics
- editing
- editor
- education
- Edward Flatau
- e‑learning
- e-learning development
- electronic media
- Élie Bertrand
- Elisabeth Grabowski
- Elsa Asenijeff, Tagebuchblätter einer Emanzipierten
- emancipation
- emigration
- (e)migration literature
- empathy
- empirical study on the effectiveness of the teaching of German in kindergarten
- encyclopedia of Yverdon
- engaged poetry
- English
- Enlightenment
- environmental awareness
- epidemic
- epigrams
- epilepsy
- epistemology
- Ernst Cassirer review on Lotte in Weimar by Tomasz Mann
- Ernst Mach
- Ernste Absicht
- Essay as a literary form
- essay writing
- essays, correspondence
- ethical reform
- ethics
- ethnographers
- eugenics
- Eugeniusz Tomiczek
- euphony
- European Integration
- evanescence
- Ewa Domańska
- exclusion
- exile
- exiled writer targeted by the FBI
- exploratory study
- Exposition Universelle of Paris in 1900
- Expressionism
- Expulsion
- extended translation model
- extralinguistic knowledge
- fairy tale
- fairy tales
- fairy‑tale opera
- family and upbringing styles and systems
- family traces
- fantasy
- fear of death
- feedback
- Felix Hinz
- female convent
- female social history
- female stage art of the interwar period
- feminism
- feminist linguistics
- fenomenology
- fenus
- feuilleton
- folk rites
- folk songs
- folk tales by Brothers Grimm
- folklore in Upper Silesia
- football and poetry
- football as an inspiration for philosophical and existential reflection
- foreign business language teaching
- foreign languages
- formal rules for certified translations
- forms of address
- formulaic language
- formulaic speech
- fragments
- Fragments of the Taugenichts in Holtei’s journal
- France
- Franciszek Kamecki
- François Jullien
- Franconians
- freedom
- Friedrich Dürrenmatt
- fundamentalism
- Gabriele Wohmann
- Gallo‑romance
- gender
- generic masculine
- gentry novel
- Genus
- Gerhart Hauptmann
- Gerhart Hauptmann’s guests
- Gerhart Pohl
- German
- German and foreign literature
- German as foreign language
- German Bible translations
- German compound nouns
- German language as a window to the outside world of Polish literature
- German literaturę
- German literature and culture
- German literature and philosophy in the 20th century
- German novel
- German press
- German proletarian poet and writer
- German Unification Wars
- German writers from the Polish-German borderland
- Germania Slavica
- Germans
- Germany
- Giant Mountains
- Gisela Piontek
- Gleiwitz radio station
- Gliwice
- glottodidactics
- Goethe, autobiographical narrative
- Goethe’s image in literature and philosophy
- Gotthold Rhode
- gratitude
- grave pit
- gravedigger
- Günther Neske
- Gustaw Morcinek
- H. Piontek’s Das Gewicht der Welt
- Habsburg
- Hans Lipinsky-Gottersdorf
- Hans Marchwitza
- Harry Graf Kessler
- Haus Schlesien
- heaven
- Heinz Piontek
- Hellenistic poetry
- Hermann Bahr
- Hermann Hesse
- hermenutics
- Hero
- heroic poem
- Heroides
- higher education
- Hilda Deitch
- Himālaya
- hindi literature
- Histoire de ma vie
- historiography
- Historische Mythen im Geschichtsunterricht. Theorie und Zugriffe für die Praxis
- history
- history in the background of football events
- History of Art and cultural history
- history of brain research
- History of glottodidactics
- history of language
- history of Lviv
- history of medicine
- history of migraine research
- history of neurology
- history of Polish literature
- History of the Catholic Church
- history of vocabulary
- Holocaust
- homeland
- hotel
- Hubert Orłowski
- humanistic values of football
- humanity
- identity
- identity crisis
- idioms
- ignavus
- Ilse Huth
- Ilse Tielsch
- ‘Ilustrowany Kuryer Codzienny’
- image of family
- immigration to Poland
- implications for teaching grammar at academic level
- implicature
- impoliteness
- impression
- incest
- individual motivation
- Inner transformation
- Innsbruck
- input
- insane
- Institute of German Philology
- insufficient knowledge
- intercultural approach
- intercultural communication
- intercultural competence
- intercultural literature
- intercultural text
- interlingual translation
- interpretation
- intersemiotic translation
- intertextuality
- interviews
- intralingual translation
- Islam
- island of Hiddensee
- Italian Poetry
- Italy
- Iwaszkiewicz
- Izabela Morska Znikanie
- Jacek Kuron
- James Schwarzenbach
- Jan Kochanowski
- Jan Kochanowski University
- Jan Pacławski
- Jargon
- Jarosław Markiewicz
- Jasna Góra Monastery
- Jatakas
- Joachim Zeuschner
- Jodocus Ludovicus Decius
- Johanna Spyri
- Josef Rinke
- Joseph II.
- Joseph Roth
- Joshua Zimmerman
- Journal of Regulations
- journalistic integrity
- joyfulness
- Józef Mackiewicz
- Józef Piłsudski
- Judaism
- Jürgen Fuchs
- Laments
- language
- language and culture
- Language borders
- language communication
- language of law
- languages for special purposes
- language-system
- language-use
- Latin grammatic terminology
- law
- Le Duel ou Essai sur la vie de J. C. Vénitien
- Leander
- learning management system Moodle
- learning platform
- left-wing intellectuals
- legal translations
- legends
- Leopold II.
- letter
- lexicalization
- lexicon used
- library collections
- libretto
- Liczyrzepa
- life challenges
- linguistics
- literary and extra‑literary friendships
- literary criticism
- literary description of mountains
- literary generation
- literary scandal
- literary translation
- literary translations
- literature
- Literature
- literature in the GDR
- literature non‑fiction
- literature of the Enlightment
- literature of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Literature of the Federal Republic of Germany
- loanwords
- local history
- Locke
- loneliness
- longseller book
- Louise Otto‑Peters
- love
- low self‑esteem
- Lublin
- Lucan
- Ludwig Janikowski
- Ludwik Szczepański
- Lusatia
- lustration
- machine translation
- magazine
- magical hymns
- management
- Marcel Levebvre
- Marche
- Marchese Croissant
- Margareta Hauptmann
- Margit Dürring
- Maria Anna
- Maria Elisabeth
- Maria Karolina
- Maria Piontek
- Maria Stona
- Maria Theresia
- Marie Christine
- Marius von Mayenburg
- Mariusz Wilk
- Martial
- martial law
- Martin Luther
- Martin Pollack
- masculinism
- masculinity in crisis
- mass culture
- Master’s degree programmes
- Master’s thesis
- Matthias de Miechow
- maturing and football experiences
- Max Herrmann‑Neisse
- Max Odoy
- Max Pinkus
- means of transport
- media discourse
- media image
- Medical Academy of Gdańsk
- medical ethics
- medical humanities
- mediocracy
- Medio‑Galloromania
- meditation
- melic dominant
- memes
- memorial
- Memory
- memory
- memory topography
- mental lexicon
- mercy
- mésalliance
- messianism
- meta-analysis
- metanarrative
- metaphysical experience
- metaphysics of literature
- methodology
- Mickiewicz
- micro-narrative
- Microsoft Teams
- migration
- military vocabulary
- mind
- mining short stories
- Ministry for State Security
- mission
- Mixed Language
- mock insults
- mockery in literature
- moment
- monastery
- monitoring
- mood
- Moodle
- morpheme
- morphological rules
- Motives forUsing Slang
- mountain motive
- Mountain Studies
- Mountains
- multiculturalism
- music
- Muslim Brotherhood
- mutual perceptions
- mutuum
- myth
- mythicising techniques
- mythologization
- mythology
- Nārāyaṇa Guru
- narrative method
- narrative method in teaching a foreign language in kindergarten
- narrative picture
- national identification
- national identity
- national staging of a body
- national stereotype
- natural selection
- nature
- Nāṭyaśāstra
- Neisse
- (neo-)paganism
- Netflix
- ‘Neue Freie Presse’
- neue Zeit
- Neues Deutschland
- New Left
- new realism in contemporary plays
- new technologies in translation
- New Wave
- Niebieski kapelusz [Blue Hat]
- nobility novel
- nomadism
- nomenclature
- Northern Occitan
- novel
- novel by Tomasz Mann Lotte in Weimar
- November uprising (1830–1831)
- object
- occasional and systemic character
- Oïl languages
- old-Indian aesthetic
- Olga Tokarczuk
- Once Upon a Prime: The Wondrous Connections Between Mathematics and Literature
- online course
- opinion‑making
- opposition in the GDR
- oral history
- oral part of the sworn translator examination
- Orientacja Poetycka Hybrydy
- Ovid
- P. Handke’s Das Gewicht der Welt
- pagan gods
- Paneuropa
- parallel text
- parody
- patient‑physician relation
- patients’ physician evaluations
- patriotism
- Paul Maar
- Paweł Huelle Mercedes‑Benz
- peacefulness
- people
- perfectivity
- periphery
- persecution of Jews in the Third Reich
- personal unfoldment
- personality
- Perun
- Péter Esterházy
- Peter Handke
- Peter Paul Wiplinger
- philosophy
- photography-memory carrier
- physiology
- picaresque novel
- Pidgin
- pietas
- places of remembrance
- plebiscite
- poetic friendships
- poetic poetry
- poetry
- points of contact
- Poitevin‑Saintongeais
- Poland
- Police Slang
- Polish
- Polish army
- polish german studies
- Polish history
- Polish legionnaire
- Polish literature
- Polish literature in translation
- Polish modernism
- Polish Philology
- Polish press
- Polish reception
- polish reception of Carl Hauptmann
- polish reception of Gerhart Hauptmann
- Polish-Austrian cultural relations
- Polish-Austrian literary affinities
- Polish-German reconciliation
- Polish‑German relations
- Polish‑German translation
- Polish‑Jewish reality
- Polish‑Jewish relations
- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
- Polishness
- Polish‑Ukrainian relations
- politeness
- political and moral education
- political criticism
- political memory
- politics of memory
- pop culture
- Popular culture
- Portland
- postanthropocentrism
- post‑dramatic theatre
- post‑editing
- ‘Postlose Wochenenden gab es selten bei uns‘. Heinz Pionteks Briefe an die Familie und Margit Dürring
- post-Mao children literature
- post-WWII Polish-German cultural relations
- practice teachers
- pragmalinguistics
- preceptor and reformer
- Predicate-argument structure, Polish word formations, German word formations, derivatives, incorporation
- press
- press language
- presupposition
- priestly poetry
- Priests
- primary word
- private life
- probabilism
- problems regarding foreign language learning
- professional code
- professionalisation
- project‑based learning
- promotion
- prostitution
- protests
- pseudo‑compliments
- psychoanalytic perspective
- psychological communication models
- psychological portrait
- psychology of literary creativity
- publishing market
- Pushkin, reception
- racism
- Radek Knapp
- Rapallo
- reality
- reception
- reception and perception
- reception of Polish literature in German-speaking countries
- reception of Polish literature in German-speaking countries after World War Two, literary criticism
- reception of Polish literature in Germany
- reception of the work
- reconceptualization
- reconciliation
- re‑education
- Reinhard Gnauck
- (re)interpretations
- religion
- reports
- representativeness
- research field
- revenge
- rhetoric
- rhythm
- Richard Kühnau
- Richard Nikolaus Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi
- Riverdale
- Roland Erb
- Rolf Fieguth
- Roman love-elegy
- romanticism
- Rübezahl
- Rudolf Krämer-Badoni
- Rudolf Richter
- Rügen island
- Russia
- Sada Yacco
- Saint Anne’s Mountain
- Sajmište camp
- salon organizer
- Sarah Hart
- Saša Stanišić
- satire
- Sayyid Quṭb
- scapegoat
- Schlesien
- school certificate
- Schreiberhau
- science
- science fiction
- Seamus Heaney
- second language acquisition
- second language learning
- Second Polish Republic
- Second Vatican Council
- self-assessment
- self-esteem
- self-evaluation
- self‑irony
- semantic dominant
- semantics
- Semiotics
- sensation
- Sensationnismus
- separatism
- Septuagint
- Sergiusz Piasecki
- series
- short story
- shovel
- Siddha
- Siegfried Lenz
- signalling noun
- Silesia
- Silesian artists
- Silesian Bibliothek (Schlesierbücherei) in Prudnik/Neustadt O/S
- Silesian uprisings
- sites of memory
- situation of women in the 20th century
- skepticism
- Slaves
- social critique
- social democracy
- social history
- social media
- social motivation
- social portrait
- social problems
- social reform
- social reformation
- Solidarność
- solving interpersonal problems
- somatism
- song translation
- Sorbs
- Soviet military administration
- Soviet occupation zone in Germany
- space
- Spain
- specialised language of translation services
- Specialized Lingo
- speech acts
- spiritual Gothic
- spiritual practice
- spirituality
- Spirydion Wukadinowić
- St. Anne’s Mountain
- Stanisław Barańczak
- Stanisław Przybyszewski
- Stanisława Ordyńska
- Stasi
- state examination
- states of mind
- stereotype of a German
- stereotypes
- stigma
- stories and tales in teaching a foreign language
- stotra: a hymn of praise addressed to the god Brahmā
- (strategic) linguistic acting
- street
- students’ opinions regarding distance education
- Subtitling, Dubbing
- suburb
- Sudeten
- Sudetes
- sung poetry
- survey research
- Svetlana Alexievich
- Swantewid
- sworn translator
- symptoms
- Szklarska Poręba
- taboo
- taboo language
- Tadeusz Kielanowski
- Tadeusz Rittner
- Taugenichts in Erlebnisse eines Livreedieners
- teachers’ experiences with regard to distance education
- teaching a foreign language at kindergarten level
- teaching a foreign language in kindergarten
- teaching experiment
- teaching of grammar
- teaching practices
- teaching sworn translators
- telicity
- Temple
- tempo
- terminologization
- terminology
- the Alps, landscape
- The Angelus Central European Literature Award
- the Austrian travel literature
- the “beautiful left”
- the borderland
- the causative power of the word
- the childhood of poets
- the COVID-19 pandemic
- the Egyptian reality
- the enlightenment child
- the exoticism of foreignness
- the function of fiction
- the General Government
- the German-Ostpolitik
- The Giant Mountains
- ”the land of metaxa”
- the modern actress
- the new women
- the North
- the place of the essay in Tokarczuk’s work
- the Road
- the romantic child
- the Russian Decembrists
- the Second World War
- the Silesian Library
- the Teutonic Order
- The Visit of the Old Lady
- the writer and his publishers
- the Wrocław Opera
- theatre
- thelate 30’s writers work
- Thematic Fields
- Theodor Fontane
- Theology
- theoretical aspects of the narrative method
- theories
- theory of evolution
- theory of rasa
- theory of teaching
- Therese Chromik
- thesis project
- three-stage methodology of the use of narrative texts
- Threnodien
- time travel
- Tirumandiram
- topographical point
- tourism
- town of youth
- tradition
- traditions
- tragicomedy
- transhumanism
- Transition areas
- translation
- translation company
- translation criticism
- translation model
- translation problems
- translation production rules
- translation project
- translation series
- translation strategies
- translation strategy and paratext
- Translation Studies
- translation task
- translation teaching
- translatorics
- translator’s competence
- travel
- Travel prose
- travelling
- Travelogue
- trends
- trends in Chinese children’s literature
- Trialogue of cultures
- Triglav
- tropa
- Trybuna Ludu
- tsarist regime
- turn towards things
- typography
- wall
- Wangen im Allgäu
- war
- War Report
- Warsaw weekly “Wędrowiec”
- wartime correspondence
- wartime experience
- ways of learning a language
- wedding poetry
- Weimar Triangle
- Weimar Triangle Association
- Where you come from (Herkunft)
- wicked profession
- William Blake
- wisdom
- Witold Gombrowicz
- Wladimir Kaminer
- Wolfgang Bittner
- Wolfgang Grycz
- Wolfgang Templin
- woman
- womens literature
- women’s movement
- women’s rights
- word formation
- word formation type
- word-formation-rules
- writer
- writers
- writing method
- Wrocław
- Wroclaw Germanists
- Wrocław University